In Memory of Susan Denise Atkins-Whitehouse

7 1/2 by 9
An AAP newspaper article from April 1971 reads;
"A miniature 'death row' with three
tiny green cells is being prepared at the
California Institution for Women,
and (named defendant's) three women followers,
condemned along with him to die
for the Sharon Tate murders,
will be housed there awaiting appeals.
They are due to be sentenced formally today.
An AAP newspaper article from April 1971 reads;
"A miniature 'death row' with three
tiny green cells is being prepared at the
California Institution for Women,
and (named defendant's) three women followers,
condemned along with him to die
for the Sharon Tate murders,
will be housed there awaiting appeals.
They are due to be sentenced formally today.
With years of litigation ahead,
officials are planning for the three
to spend a long time in the rooms,
each the size of a bathroom -
7 1/2 ft by 9 ft.
They will each have a small
black and white television set for company..."
officials are planning for the three
to spend a long time in the rooms,
each the size of a bathroom -
7 1/2 ft by 9 ft.
They will each have a small
black and white television set for company..."