In Memory of Susan Denise Atkins-Whitehouse
To Quote Susan
Here you will find quotes from Susan's writings.
We will enter a new quote from time to time-
Here you will find quotes from Susan's writings.
We will enter a new quote from time to time-

"I've been privileged to watch God move upon the hearts
and lives of literally thousands of women who have passed through
the gates of this prison. Some have come and, like me,
are serving life sentences. Many are the stories
that I could share with you
about how God has transformed the lives of women right here.
Thus, when I think about all of the things that I can give thanks
to God and Praise His Holy Name for, being able to watch
broken lives become new again through Faith in Jesus Christ
is one of the greatest gifts I have been given"
From The Dove's Nest Newsletters A Collection of Christian Newsletters
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse
and lives of literally thousands of women who have passed through
the gates of this prison. Some have come and, like me,
are serving life sentences. Many are the stories
that I could share with you
about how God has transformed the lives of women right here.
Thus, when I think about all of the things that I can give thanks
to God and Praise His Holy Name for, being able to watch
broken lives become new again through Faith in Jesus Christ
is one of the greatest gifts I have been given"
From The Dove's Nest Newsletters A Collection of Christian Newsletters
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse

"...Jesus has taught me through the years
how to love the unlovely and unlovable,
beginning with myself.
He has comforted me when I felt the most desolate and lonely.
He has healed me, spirit, soul, and body.
If He's done all these glorious things for me,
a convicted felon,
how much more can He, and will He, do for you"
From The Dove's Nest Newsletters
A Collection of Christian Newsletters
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse
how to love the unlovely and unlovable,
beginning with myself.
He has comforted me when I felt the most desolate and lonely.
He has healed me, spirit, soul, and body.
If He's done all these glorious things for me,
a convicted felon,
how much more can He, and will He, do for you"
From The Dove's Nest Newsletters
A Collection of Christian Newsletters
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse
"I ran into, and accepted,
the worst counterfeits in modern history.
But I also encountered,
at long last,
the one true, reliable, and unfailing being in the world--Jesus.
He delivered me from all the counterfeits.
And through him,
I found the one true family I had so yearned for-
the family of God"
From Child of Satan Child of God
by Susan Atkins with Bob Slosser
the worst counterfeits in modern history.
But I also encountered,
at long last,
the one true, reliable, and unfailing being in the world--Jesus.
He delivered me from all the counterfeits.
And through him,
I found the one true family I had so yearned for-
the family of God"
From Child of Satan Child of God
by Susan Atkins with Bob Slosser

"...Not to trust is not to live, I thought.
Crazy idea.
I'd misjudged people so many times,
but I figured, "One more time."
Maybe I'd win the prize this time-
a real friend"
From Child of Satan, Child of God
by Susan Atkins with Bob Slosser

"My mother had her third child, my little brother Steve,
shortly after we moved. He demanded and received all her attention.
I resented that,
even though part of me fully loved little Steve.
And my father was always occupied
with my older brother, Mike.
They were forever doing things that looked like fun.
I turned my love and affection
to my Siamese cat, Pia.
If I was going to be left out,
I wasn't going to be alone"
From Child of Satan, Child of God
by Susan Atkins with Bob Slosser
shortly after we moved. He demanded and received all her attention.
I resented that,
even though part of me fully loved little Steve.
And my father was always occupied
with my older brother, Mike.
They were forever doing things that looked like fun.
I turned my love and affection
to my Siamese cat, Pia.
If I was going to be left out,
I wasn't going to be alone"
From Child of Satan, Child of God
by Susan Atkins with Bob Slosser

"With each new day I'm blessed to live,
no matter what the circumstances and situations
are that surround me,
I've come to appreciate the power
of applying the Word of God in my daily life.
Jesus never promised life would be without problems,
but He did promise to provide all we need to walk in victory,
in the power of the Resurrection"
From The Dove's Nest Newsletters A Collection of Christian Newsletters
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse
no matter what the circumstances and situations
are that surround me,
I've come to appreciate the power
of applying the Word of God in my daily life.
Jesus never promised life would be without problems,
but He did promise to provide all we need to walk in victory,
in the power of the Resurrection"
From The Dove's Nest Newsletters A Collection of Christian Newsletters
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse
"A pimp has to know how to control people.
Especially women. Especially young women.
Absolute control is essential if you want to
make someone do something that is personally repugnant to them"
From The Myth of Helter Skelter
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse
Especially women. Especially young women.
Absolute control is essential if you want to
make someone do something that is personally repugnant to them"
From The Myth of Helter Skelter
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse

"It's not fair that I have to do all this",
I said aloud one night as I wiped crumbs from
the tiny table that Steve and I had eaten our supper from.
"Why do I have to do it?
Why can't he do some?"
He was my father.
As on so many nights,
he had not come home.
He was drinking somewhere,
trying to wipe away
the memory of my mother's death"
From Child of Satan, Child of God
by Susan Atkins with Bob Slosser

"When the last precious sister spoke,
she reminded the women that no matter what trial
they may be facing in their lives,
they could rely on God's goodness
to see them through it.
All they had to do was press through
and hold fast to their profession of faith in Jesus Christ.
All three of us who spoke have been walking with Jesus
behind these walls for quite a few years.
Each of us has a term-to-life sentence,
and each of us bore witness to the women in the auditorium
that for us there was no other way, no other answer,
no other means of living, than to come to the Cross, repent,
and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior,
then learn of Him, humble ourselves,
and trust that no matter what we have faced,
or yet face, Jesus is able to keep us and give us life,
and that more abundantly"
From The Dove's Nest Newsletters A Collection of Christian Newsletters
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse
she reminded the women that no matter what trial
they may be facing in their lives,
they could rely on God's goodness
to see them through it.
All they had to do was press through
and hold fast to their profession of faith in Jesus Christ.
All three of us who spoke have been walking with Jesus
behind these walls for quite a few years.
Each of us has a term-to-life sentence,
and each of us bore witness to the women in the auditorium
that for us there was no other way, no other answer,
no other means of living, than to come to the Cross, repent,
and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior,
then learn of Him, humble ourselves,
and trust that no matter what we have faced,
or yet face, Jesus is able to keep us and give us life,
and that more abundantly"
From The Dove's Nest Newsletters A Collection of Christian Newsletters
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse

"I was booked into Sybil Brand,
a genuine prison
with no country-club trimmings,
on October 13, 1969.
I knew I would never get out.
I knew I'd never see the free world again,
but that had little meaning to me then.
There was very little meaning anywhere
for my deranged mind and soul"
From Child of Satan, Child of God
by Susan Atkins with Bob Slosser
a genuine prison
with no country-club trimmings,
on October 13, 1969.
I knew I would never get out.
I knew I'd never see the free world again,
but that had little meaning to me then.
There was very little meaning anywhere
for my deranged mind and soul"
From Child of Satan, Child of God
by Susan Atkins with Bob Slosser

"It goes without saying this period
was nothing like the love-filled days in San Francisco
or the first year in Los Angeles.
That the atmosphere was still anything like communal is ridiculous.
Those who could leave, did"
From The Myth of Helter Skelter
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse
was nothing like the love-filled days in San Francisco
or the first year in Los Angeles.
That the atmosphere was still anything like communal is ridiculous.
Those who could leave, did"
From The Myth of Helter Skelter
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse

"I walked into the afternoon sunshine and held my face up to it;
I had grown very pale and thin during my early imprisonment.
Spotting a patchy piece of dirt
near the right corner of the barbed-wire fence,
I walked slowly to it and sat down.
I picked up a small handful of the thin dirt
and let it run through my fingers over and over.
After a few seconds I scooped some into my hand
and lifted it to my nose.
I had forgotten what dirt smelled like.
Completely lost in my moment of return to nature,
I sat and played in that little patch of dirt like a child.
I don't know how many minutes passed-
probably only a few-
but I became aware that I was crying"
From Child of Satan, Child of God
by Susan Atkins with Bob Slosser

"By 1969 I had nowhere in the world
to go outside of Spahn Ranch.
If I had left in early 1969,
I would have left with my son and no friends,
no family, no money, no food,
and literally only the clothes I was wearing.
By late 1969,
even this meager chance would be eliminated
and those who left were lucky to leave with their lives"
From The Myth of Helter Skelter
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse
to go outside of Spahn Ranch.
If I had left in early 1969,
I would have left with my son and no friends,
no family, no money, no food,
and literally only the clothes I was wearing.
By late 1969,
even this meager chance would be eliminated
and those who left were lucky to leave with their lives"
From The Myth of Helter Skelter
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse