In Memory of Susan Denise Atkins-Whitehouse

The Convenience of Susan's Name
"Inspired in part by historical events,
this program contains fictitious characters, places, and circumstances"
-The disclaimer of a media source
that includes Susan's name
as one of the characters.
"It is neither amazing or interesting"
- Susan Atkins
Susan made an irrefutable point,
didn't she.
If the actual, real, events of 1969,
and anything surrounding those events,
of which Susan was involved,
were interesting or amazing on their own,
disclaimers such as the one above wouldn't be necessary.
Fictitious characters, places,
and circumstances would not be necessary.
"Inspired in part by historical events,
this program contains fictitious characters, places, and circumstances"
-The disclaimer of a media source
that includes Susan's name
as one of the characters.
"It is neither amazing or interesting"
- Susan Atkins
Susan made an irrefutable point,
didn't she.
If the actual, real, events of 1969,
and anything surrounding those events,
of which Susan was involved,
were interesting or amazing on their own,
disclaimers such as the one above wouldn't be necessary.
Fictitious characters, places,
and circumstances would not be necessary.
The convenience of Susan's name,
is just that;
a convenience.
It's used to generate interest,
because it's a name many are familiar with.
And that's where the familiarity ends.
A whirlwind of fiction blows around Susan's name
to create a story that someone thinks is clever, or interesting.
It is neither.
There are some, unfortunately, who just don't get it.
There is no doubt the hot air will continue to blow as time goes by,
if the past is any indication,
and will continue to hurt the ones who suffer to this day.
The events of 1969 that Susan was involved in were very real.
What some are doing with it,
is not.
We wish the hot air blowers could come up with something better.
It's unfortunate, and sad to learn,
that's the best some can do.
We are much better than that.
The price of convenience is high.
Wasn't there anything else happening in 1969?
is just that;
a convenience.
It's used to generate interest,
because it's a name many are familiar with.
And that's where the familiarity ends.
A whirlwind of fiction blows around Susan's name
to create a story that someone thinks is clever, or interesting.
It is neither.
There are some, unfortunately, who just don't get it.
There is no doubt the hot air will continue to blow as time goes by,
if the past is any indication,
and will continue to hurt the ones who suffer to this day.
The events of 1969 that Susan was involved in were very real.
What some are doing with it,
is not.
We wish the hot air blowers could come up with something better.
It's unfortunate, and sad to learn,
that's the best some can do.
We are much better than that.
The price of convenience is high.
Wasn't there anything else happening in 1969?