In Memory of Susan Denise Atkins-Whitehouse

Glad You're Here
In Susan's works
The Dove's Nest Newsletters A Collection of Christian Newsletters
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse,
Susan's 9th Christian Newsletter
is June 1997.
In the book's index,
Susan called this chapter "Your Great Commission"
Within her letter, Susan writes...
In Susan's works
The Dove's Nest Newsletters A Collection of Christian Newsletters
by Susan Atkins-Whitehouse,
Susan's 9th Christian Newsletter
is June 1997.
In the book's index,
Susan called this chapter "Your Great Commission"
Within her letter, Susan writes...

"...Several years ago I was very frustrated at my
inability to keep up with all the letters sent to me by people
who were moved by my story, or who wanted to talk about Jesus,
or who wanted to let me know they were praying for me,
or who were just going through a tough period in their lives
and needed to talk.
I was trying to answer them as best I could,
but I was swamped.
I wasn't able to give people the time I thought
they each deserved.
And that's when the Dove's Nest was provided for me.
Once again, God's plan was at work.
I may never know exactly how your life may be changed,
or how you may be encouraged each month by receiving
these letters, but I'm confident of one thing,
God is in it.
He has a purpose and a plan that will far exceed anything
I could ever think of or imagine...
or anything I could try to squeeze comfortably
into a box of answers!"
inability to keep up with all the letters sent to me by people
who were moved by my story, or who wanted to talk about Jesus,
or who wanted to let me know they were praying for me,
or who were just going through a tough period in their lives
and needed to talk.
I was trying to answer them as best I could,
but I was swamped.
I wasn't able to give people the time I thought
they each deserved.
And that's when the Dove's Nest was provided for me.
Once again, God's plan was at work.
I may never know exactly how your life may be changed,
or how you may be encouraged each month by receiving
these letters, but I'm confident of one thing,
God is in it.
He has a purpose and a plan that will far exceed anything
I could ever think of or imagine...
or anything I could try to squeeze comfortably
into a box of answers!"

Susan said she may never know exactly
how our lives may be changed,
or how we may be encouraged (each month)
by receiving these letters.
Susan knows.
Susan begins the last paragraph of her letter...
"Until next month, please know
that you are in my prayers,
you are in my thoughts,
and it is such a joy
to come into your home and into your life
each month and share with you
the goodness of God's love..."
It's a joy to have you in our home and in our lives,
Susan -
We're glad you're here...
how our lives may be changed,
or how we may be encouraged (each month)
by receiving these letters.
Susan knows.
Susan begins the last paragraph of her letter...
"Until next month, please know
that you are in my prayers,
you are in my thoughts,
and it is such a joy
to come into your home and into your life
each month and share with you
the goodness of God's love..."
It's a joy to have you in our home and in our lives,
Susan -
We're glad you're here...